I just got Vista with a 60 day free trial of Microsoft Office but I already have a full version of Microsoft Office for XP. Can I install the full XP version on the Vista instead of instaling the Vista version and then having to install a full version in 30 days?
Can I install Microsoft Office XP on Vista?security
You should be able to do that, as Vista is backward compatible, i.e. softwares built to run on Windows XP should also run on Vista (apart from hardware drivers)
Can I install Microsoft Office XP on Vista?trojan
I'm about 99% sure that you can install it on vista. It would make sense because Vista is backwards compatible.
Absolutely. I have done it. It installs as a 32-bit app in Vista 64X and as a regular app in Vista 32X.
Yes that is possible depending on old your office xp version is it should be compatible. i have office 2003 which is little later than the office xp . and i Know it is compatible i actully just upgraded a pc to vista and used office 2003 .email me I can give you 100% instructions and if you need office 2003 i can help you there also, dont worry about cost i have like 5 licensed copies of it. but i will communicate this thru a email. Thanks and good luck hope you enjoy vista . I havent used it on my personal computers yet.
That should work according to the list that is here:
I am getting the new Vista and have read many articles about it. Microsoft advises you that many of other products are not able to install but they insure you that all of their products lately distributed will be available to install on the new Windows Vista.
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